Master Class

In conjunction with the graduate program, we may offer a Master Class that provides additional up-close, hands-on time with Jeff and is geared towards more seasoned practitioners. It consists of additional days of mentoring in a smaller group after each live segment. Participants will receive one Functional Integration® lesson from Jeff during the training as part of their tuition.   

Whereas the IOPS Academy curriculum is pre-determined and linked to the supporting video material, the Master Class material is generated by the participants. You will examine your experience, share your insights, and ask key questions about your practice, such as how you:

  • Deal with plateaus in your teaching;

  • Refine a specific ATM you use most, in the light of the IOPS perspective;

  • Approach specific challenges with clients;

  • Deal with challenging clients;

  • Polish the rough edges in your practice;

  • Craft daily practices for mastering your own self organization that you can pass on to your clients;

  • Stay present with emotional states during lessons;

  • Manage long-term relationships with clients.

I have been a Feldenkrais Practitioner for 20 years, and I can tell you that Jeff Haller’s understanding of this work and his ability to teach it are unsurpassed anywhere in the world.
— Robert Spencer, GCFP, Assistant Trainer
Jeff Haller is truly a master teacher of teachers.
— Dwight Pargee, GCFP, Assistant Trainer, former President FGNA

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